With Public Transport
From Basel SBB it takes approx 1 hour to Holdenweid. If you are coming from Bern/Zurich, the best way is via Olten.
It takes about 10 minutes by train from Basel SBB or from Olten Liestal.
THEN Tram T19 towards Waldenburg.
THEN IT IS still 15 minutes to Hölstein, STATION.
IN Hölstein, just follow the JooDäio signs to the fest​ival. You will walk approximately 20 minutes alongside a small stream.
It takes about half an hour by car from Basel.
Drive in the direction of Liestal and then in the direction of Waldenburg. When you have crossed Bubendorf, at some point on the left side you will see a sign "Impulszentrum Holdenweid".
There you have to turn left, but please do not drive up to Holdenweid.
Please park your car on the hill side of the road ‘Alte Landstrasse’, marked in green on the map below. (Due to fire regulations, it is not allowed to park on the stream side of the road.)
From there you walk about 5 minutes up to Holdenweid.
If you cannot walk up, you are welcome to write to us.
By car